
Rhino3DWorld - The best NURBS modeler around  Garrettsville, OHIO 

All the Applications, Scripts or Plug-ins listed in here are completely
FREE to use, modify or claim! NO strings attached !
NO CopyRights or CopyLefts Reserved !

If you have an idea or specific request for a new Rhino Script, Plug-in or some sort of automatization do not hesitate to contact me at the email listed below.
I may charge you a small fee for development but main requirement is that this new application will be published/listed here for FREE!

FREE 2D Online True Nesting  

FREE 2D Online True Nesting Service! Nest your parts online  24/7!

Format accepted: DXF, DWG and Rhinoceros Version 3 3DM

It is a web-based nesting utility whose only requirement is a web browser!


Rhino3D Command Prompt expression evaluator - calculator (v3/v4/v5)
  In-line Rhino v3/v4/v5 command prompt expression evaluator / calculator now with scripting support and much more ...


Visual Non-Uniform scale (VScaleNU) dialog driven ScaleNU command  (v4 only)
  Dialog driven Rhino ScaleNU command


Isolate2D - extract 2D objects from single 3DM file  WIP (v4 only )
  Better name would be ReverseNest.
At this point there is no intelligence incorporated (yet?) into isolate2D to extract unique 2D objects


Mold Parting Line  (for V4 and V5 x32/x64)
mold parting line example  Calculate Mold Parting/Split/Horizon Line for mesh objects


Thumbnail preview Rhinoceros v3 and v4 files in Windows Explorer
  Rhino Thumbnail View is a Windows Explorer context menu extension that provides image preview for Rhinoceros V3 and V4 files


Rhino VB Script GetKey
VBSGetKey - Adds HotKey Keyboard support to Rhino scripting engine  -- Run Rhino loaded scripts with single key stroke



SolidEdge HotKeys
Some quick/dirty SolidEdge Solid Edge hotkeys/shortcuts



Window Select scripting

Select all objects inside imaginary square window



map rh keyboard key Until we get this incorporated in Rhinoceros3D here are some Hotkeys &  Re-maps currently not supported inside Rhino3D without this plug-in.

1) Re-Map Rhino's Spacebar to toggle Maximize/Restore active Viewport
2) Set Control+Numpad-0 to Zoom Extents
3) Re-map Numeric pad multiply(*) to comma (,)
4) Allow BackSpace to act as Rhino Delete command in current viewport
5) Remap Alt+w to toggle Maximize/Restore active viewport
6) Customize Rhino Left Mouse Double Click to command of your choice


Giraffe  - jewlery plugin FREE!
- GemStone library,
- Ring sizes,
- Cross section editor,
- Scale by dimension or by percent value,
- Mass calculator
- Render materials


Select objects inside or outside or intersection object of closed planar curve
Select objects inside or outside of closed planar curve


Visual Quadrilaterals  (v3/v4)
  Input lengths to create quadrilateral or load Comma Separated Value (CSV) file for multiple auto quadrilaterals creation


CurtateCycloid -for violin / guitar makers (v3/4)
  Create a cross section Curtate Cycloid curves for violin's top body part

Auto RhinoStart
 rhinostart A small application that is monitoring Rhino exe and restarts if necessary so the .exe is up and running all the time

Create an ellipse by chord height and major axis (v4)
  Create ellipse by chord height input iteration method


Mass calculator (v3/v4)
  Jewelry mass calculator - switch between units easily


Pipe Select Filter (PSF)
  Select object(s) that are inside of imaginary pipe


Multiple offset (RhinoV3 and V4)
  Dialog driven multiple offset


Deepest points
drain points The script will find a "deepest" point(s) (lowest value of Z coo)




  ShowAll - enable Rhino Open and Save Dialog box to display all files by default (v3,v4)
Rhino - plugin installer - inno install script  
Rhino PieMenus Marking Menus (WIP) Terminate process(es)
Get number of running Rhino instances (C++ & VB example) Link Rhino and ASP pages
Multiply2Comma  masks numeric input for Multiply key to comma (v3)
Rhinoceros RULES !!!  
How to clear Rhino's command window text Rhinoceros VB Script Encoder
HCL plug-in for Rhino v3 SR2 Using VisualFoxPro(VFP) to control/program Rhinoceros
Rhinoceros startup issue Using VisualBasic 6 (VB) to control Rhinoceros
Rhinoceros as an engine VB as an external access and multiple Rhino V3  instances
An example of use Classes in the Rhino V2,V3 VBScript Using Rhino's License Manager to acquire some interesting info
Rhinoceros batch Read .3dm properties (notes,history, preview image)UPDATED!
Read Rhino's statusbar x y z and distance value Rhinoceros and VB6 IntelliSense
Read 3DM notes without Rhinoceros Is a point inside or outside of an (solid) object

No copyrights or copylefts reserved !
C++/VB/CAD/CAM/Rhino3D/FOXPRO/SQL/SOLIDWORKS programming & 3D Solid Design
If you'd like to contact me, I am available through my e-mail address. Therefore, if you are interested in anything above, just drop me an email for a job you need to be done:


keywords: on line on-line online nesting 2D vector web software asp on line optimization layout xml shoe glass sheet metal free placing cutting strategy case before waste dot .net minimal waste algorithm industry yield material cost save reduce true nesting IGS IGES interactive automatic true rhino3d rhino CAD CAM DXF DWG 3DM convert free layout algorithm shear nest true browser industry on line on-line online nesting 2D vector web software asp optimization layout xml shoe glass sheet metal free placing cutting strategy case before waste dot .net minimal waste algorithm industry yield material cost save reduce true nesting IGS IGES interactive automatic true rhino3d rhino CAD CAM DXF DWG 3DM convert free layout algorithm shear nest true browser industry on line nesting on-line nesting online nesting "on line nesting" "on-line nesting" "online nesting" nesting software linear nesting rectangular nesting nesting optimization sheet nesting length nesting automatic nesting nesting part nesting on line on-line online 2D vector web software asp optimization layout xml shoe glass sheet metal free placing cutting strategy case before waste dot .net minimal waste algorithm industry yield material cost save reduce true nesting IGS IGES interactive automatic true rhino3d rhino CAD CAM DXF DWG 3DM convert free layout algorithm shear nest true browser industry convert dwg dgn convert dwg to dgn plant layout solidworks cam dwg viewer layout software dwg java viewer cad drawing cad drawing software cad drawing services cad drawing viewer cad drawing programs electrical cad drawing auto cad freeware auto cad auto cad software auto cad viewer auto cad courses cad cutting cad dxf rhino cad cad dwg rhino cad software cad freeware cad viewer freeware cad solidworks cad autocad freeware ad software cad viewer software cad cae cad viewer cad cad software cad linux medusa cad cad file viewer cad reader graphite cad cad library cad design cad interoperability cad translators cad translator ring cad cad sales cad equipment cad pdf cutting optimizer cutting diagram cutting software automatic cutting cutting edge cutting edge solutions metal cutting sheet metal cutting cardboard cutting dwg dxf viewer dxf file viewer dxf freeware open source dxf dxf convert to dxf convert convert dxf to pdf dxf mac java dxf dxf pdf cad cam cad cam freeware cad cam software cad cam solutions unigraphics cad cam cad cam cae cad cam companies auto cad cam dolphin cad cam cad cam jewellery cad cam jewelry cad cam pictures cad cam pdf sheet metal cad cam